Donating our time or money to organizations that have projects already implemented is an excellent way to support those causes that are important to us and in which we want to participate as part of the solution.
It is very comforting and powerful to know that your life has touched the lives of others in a positive way. We already know that kindness is something that multiplies when it is shared, so let's not hesitate to do those acts that will surely change the lives of others.
We should treat ourselves kindly because we deserve it, without having to justify it. It can be by buying something we like, giving us a special day or enjoying a nice experience.
At every moment - and often without being aware of it - we are talking to ourselves. And although it is almost always quietly, every word we tell us, and every action we take, are the things that define how much we really love our own self.
As adults we do our part to leave this world better than we found it; however, it is of great importance to create a culture and leave a message to children so that they can continue with this work.
We are kind has the mission to inspire all of those who wish to make a positive impact in the world through acts of kindness towards other people, animals and nature.
There's so much talk about "living in the present moment" that it gets a little tiring, don't you think? Perhaps if we go from theory to action, applying small things in our lives, it won't even be necessary to think about it so that we can live fully.
At We are kind we are committed to leaving a positive impact in all possible aspects. Each one of your orders is packed, verified, and fulfilled at our office in Orlando, FL, and we pay close attention to detail to make sure you're as excited about receiving your products as we are about creating them.