Our pledge: For every product purchased, We are kind plants one tree.
3392 trees planted to date
Why trees?
Trees play a huge role in our lives. They help stop climate change by removing carbon dioxide from the air, storing it, and releasing oxygen into the atmosphere.
Trees also moderate climate by providing shade, regulate temperature extremes, increase wildlife habitat, and provide key ingredients for medicines.
Sustainable kindness
Living in a world where kindness prevails is key to a meaningful coexistence. By being sustainably kind we respect the life of all sentient beings.
Let's start implementing this very simple act: the act of kindness.
A way of living that started it all...
"I personally identify myself 100% with what I want to reflect with We are kind. These are my values as a person and my lifestyle; a lifestyle where the love for animals and nature goes much further, where all (or most) of our food is plant-based and where we can contribute doing volunteer work or donations towards those in need.
Being a graphic designer, it came a moment where I thought I could combine my passion for art and design along with my desire to help others and generate a positive impact in the world, making this a business model where people, animals and the earth come first, using materials that do no harm to the planet and being able to build a community of like-minded humans who can take this message to another level.
It has been a long journey of self-discovery, of making small changes and learning how to create new habits for a better way of living while having the desire to share it with others.
I like to call this a Sustainable Kindness, where we can coexist and be a part of one kind and beautiful world.
At the end, I do believe this is what will generate that so needed positive change."
Giovanni | Founder of We are kind
The Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the United Nations cover different aspects of social development, environmental protection and economic growth.
Through our business model we are committed to support these specific SDGs: Life on land, Responsible consumption and production, Zero hunger and Partnerships for the goals; putting people, animals and the planet first.
Life on land
Giving back to the planet is in our core values, and with the help of different non-profits such as OneTreePlanted and Trees for the Future we are able to plant trees with every purchase you make.
Responsible consumption and production
Our efforts to responsible consumption and production is based not only on our manufacturing process but also on conducting business in a socially responsible manner, where products are produced under lawful, humane and ethical conditions.
Zero hunger
Today, one out of every nine people in the world is malnourished; that is, around 815 million of the population.
We donate part of our proceeds to Support + Feed, an organization dedicated to work on this issue, distributing nutritious plant-based meals each day across the United States.
Partnerships for the goals
Creating a community of change makers is only possible by making alliances and partnerships with organizations that are working 100% on solving social and environmental issues.
That is why 'We are kind' is a proud member of 1% for the Planet, and we are committed to keep taking responsible actions for a healthy world.