We should treat ourselves kindly because we deserve it, without having to justify it. It can be by buying something we like, giving us a special day or enjoying a nice experience.
At every moment - and often without being aware of it - we are talking to ourselves. And although it is almost always quietly, every word we tell us, and every action we take, are the things that define how much we really love our own self.
As adults we do our part to leave this world better than we found it; however, it is of great importance to create a culture and leave a message to children so that they can continue with this work.
There's so much talk about "living in the present moment" that it gets a little tiring, don't you think? Perhaps if we go from theory to action, applying small things in our lives, it won't even be necessary to think about it so that we can live fully.
It's said that kindness is like a special pill that doesn't have to be prescribed by a doctor, you don't even have to take it yourself, you just have to give it to others for it to take effect. These are some benefits we get from acting kindly.
A dreamer is that person who does not see the world as it is but as it could be. Dreamers have no limits in their imagination and it is right there that they create a perfect future motivated by the simple fact of making their dreams come true. Here's a list of attitudes that will help us achieve our dreams.
I recently read an article about kindness where they mentioned that the currency of the future will not be the Euro, the Dollar or the Yuan, but rather empathy, that ability to relate to each other, to understand what other people's lives are like and to share our story without being judged.
We already know that when we connect with other people from the heart, our happiness increases and we can even transform our lives, but is there a way to make this something that lasts?
It's not so difficult to sit quietly to meditate while we silence our mind and feel a state of relaxation; however, the real challenge is to maintain that stillness, peace and harmony while living in the real world. It is right there when we will realize the true internal work that we have done - or that we still have to do.
There is something beyond the "me, me, me" thinking, and we can come to understand a little better the connection and empathy that we have as human beings through 4 levels of consciousness.