Eco workouts: working out in nature and its benefits

If you're tired of the same old gym routine and looking to spice up your workouts while doing some good for the planet, then it's time to embrace eco workouts. Put on your workout gear, grab a water bottle, and venture into the great outdoors.
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What are kindness rocks?

Have you ever stumbled upon a colorful, hand-painted rock with a heartwarming message during your outdoor adventures? These small treasures are known as kindness rocks, and they carry a powerful message of positivity, connection, and kindness.
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10 ideas for a greener life

Going green doesn't mean completely changing your lifestyle overnight. Every small step you take matters, and it's all about progress, not perfection. So, pick a few of these 10 ideas that resonate with you and start incorporating them into your daily routine.
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Why is it important to plant a tree?

Planting a tree is one of the simplest and most effective ways to make a positive impact on the environment. Trees provide a wide range of benefits, from cleaning the air and water to providing shade and improving the beauty of our surroundings. Here are some of the reasons why it's important to plant a tree.
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Swapping plastic bags for tote bags

Making the switch from plastic bags to tote bags is a simple and effective way to reduce your impact on the environment. Check out these tips that can help you get started.
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How are plastic bottles used for making t-shirts?

Plastic bottles are one of the most common forms of waste in our environment, taking hundreds of years to decompose and causing significant harm to wildlife and the natural ecosystem. However, recent innovations have been developed to recycle plastic bottles and turn them into new products, including t-shirts.
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We are kind: A project for sustainable kindness

We are kind has the mission to inspire all of those who wish to make a positive impact in the world through acts of kindness towards other people, animals and nature.
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Tree planting on Earth month

April is Earth month, and OneTreePlanted is always creating amazing tree planting events so we can make this planet much greener.

The We are kind community will be attending the Orlando event on April 27, but there are so many more cities you can plant trees at.
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At We are kind we are committed to making an impact

At We are kind we are committed to leaving a positive impact in all possible aspects. Each one of your orders is packed, verified, and fulfilled at our office in Orlando, FL, and we pay close attention to detail to make sure you're as excited about receiving your products as we are about creating them.
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We are kind + 1% for the Planet

We are very excited to announce that We are kind is now a member of 1% for the Planet.

Through this alliance, at We are kind we are committed to continue contributing to non-profit organizations as we have previously done, and to continue building a brand for people and the planet.
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