Make kindness an intentional and constant practice

We already know that when we connect with other people from the heart, our happiness increases and we can even transform our lives, but is there a way to make this something that lasts?
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Being kind to all: a connection for the common good

There is something beyond the "me, me, me" thinking, and we can come to understand a little better the connection and empathy that we have as human beings through 4 levels of consciousness.
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We are kind + 1% for the Planet

We are very excited to announce that We are kind is now a member of 1% for the Planet.

Through this alliance, at We are kind we are committed to continue contributing to non-profit organizations as we have previously done, and to continue building a brand for people and the planet.
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Cromatiko is now 'We are kind'

'We are kind' defines 100% our brand mission - as human beings, as individuals and at the same time as a community - because we believe in a better world in which kindness and harmony reign with ourselves, with other people, with animals and the planet.
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