Make kindness an intentional and constant practice - We are kind

How can we make kindness an intentional and constant practice?

We already know that when we connect with other people from the heart, our happiness increases and we can even transform our lives, but is there a way to make this something that lasts?

Here are four simple ideas that will help us keep this connection alive:

1. Be alert to any opportunity where you can be kind: Acting by saying words of support or doing something nice for someone, whether at home or at work, will only be possible if we are attentive to these opportunities

2. Be kind on purpose - literally: Each person has the ability to decide if he/she wants to help others. No one else can do it for us

3. Act kind because we know it's the best way to do it: Many times we can be "nice" because it is what is expected of us or because we feel obligated or guilty, when in fact we know that acting in a kind way is the right thing to do

4. Have kind thoughts towards other people: It is important to maintain our kindness even in our own minds so that we can see the best in others beyond the things that can annoy us

If just for a second we try to put ourselves in other people's shoes, we could expand our feeling of empathy and understand that each person is experiencing their own challenges.

There's a quote that goes: "When you don't know what to be, just be kind."

It's that simple.

Good things are meant to be shared. If you know someone who might like this, share away!

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