Attitudes that will help us achieve our dreams

A dreamer is that person who does not see the world as it is but as it could be. Dreamers have no limits in their imagination and it is right there that they create a perfect future motivated by the simple fact of making their dreams come true. Here's a list of attitudes that will help us achieve our dreams.
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Make kindness an intentional and constant practice

We already know that when we connect with other people from the heart, our happiness increases and we can even transform our lives, but is there a way to make this something that lasts?
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Tips to start practicing meditation

It's not so difficult to sit quietly to meditate while we silence our mind and feel a state of relaxation; however, the real challenge is to maintain that stillness, peace and harmony while living in the real world. It is right there when we will realize the true internal work that we have done - or that we still have to do.
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Being kind to all: a connection for the common good

There is something beyond the "me, me, me" thinking, and we can come to understand a little better the connection and empathy that we have as human beings through 4 levels of consciousness.
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